Does PDFpen or PDFpenPro support JavaScript?
PDFpen and PDFpenPro support JavaScript in existing documents, such as forms with calculations. To enable Javascript, turn on support for it in Preferences > General > Enable JavaScript.
PDFpenPro version 12.2 and later, allow editing existing scripts as well as adding new JavaScripts to a document through the Script window. Not all PDF JavaScripts are fully supported. PDFpen and PDFpenPro only support JavaScripts for Acroform PDF forms. JavaScripts for LiveCycle (XFA) documents are not supported.
Sample supported scripts (calculations):
- Sum
- Product
- Average
Sample supported scripts (calculations):
- Percentage
- Zipcodes
- Phone numbers
- Social security numbers
- Dates
Sample unsupported scripts:
- Embedded videos
Additional capabilities:
Using the latest versions of PDFpen and PDFpenPro, you can automate PDF manipulations with AppleScript and JavaScript. AppleScript and JavaScript automation means that you can write external scripts on macOS either in AppleScript or JavaScript that can tell PDFpen or PDFpenPro to perform a sequence of scripted commands. The script is run external to the application, rather than from within it. To access the JavaScript console in PDFpen or PDFpenPro, choose Window > JavaScript Console (Option+Command+Y).
Information on JavaScript in PDFpen and PDFpenPro are included in Help/User Guide in-product or online: