Can I Send Documents For Signature with DocuSign® from PDFpen?

Can I send documents for signature with DocuSign® from PDFpen? 

DocuSign® support is available in PDFpenPro v12 and later. It is currently unavailable in the regular version of PDFpen. 

To log into DocuSign, a user must:

a) Already have an account with DocuSign, OR

b) Sign up for an account at

Once signed in, PDFpenPro will remember your credential


To send documents for signature using DocuSign from PDFpenPro:

1. Choose File > DocuSign > Log in to DocuSign.

2. When your browser window opens, click "Continue" to log in.

3. Enter your log in credentials.

4. From PDFpenPro choose File > DocuSign and upload the document you want signed.

Note: When uploading a PDF with form fields to a DocuSign envelope or template, the DocuSign system will recognize and convert the fields created in PDFpenPro into comparable DocuSign recipient fields. Form fields can be assigned and further customized to specific recipients in DocuSign.

Documents signed or sent with DocuSign are:

  • Encrypted.
  • Maintains an audit trail.
  • Does not require additional software installation.
  • Are legally binding in the United States and most other countries.

DocuSign offers high-level security standards and e-signature regulations compliance. Learn more about e-signature legality in the United States and around the world. DocuSign is authorized by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) for use in government.

What is the difference between a digital signature and an e-signature?

What is an electronic signature or e-signature (also spelled eSignatures) vs. a digital signature? These terms can be used broadly and interchangeably with signing forms electronically. Typically, however, digital signatures more specifically refer to adding your signature to a document and verifying authenticity, while electronic signatures or e-signatures in the context of an e-signature service like DocuSign® usually refers to collecting other signatures. 

An electronic signature is a legally binding signature for signing an electronic document or record and, according to the E-Sign Act, is equivalent to a handwritten signature.

Learn more about digital signatures vs. electronic signatures:

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