Why was PDFpen Scan+ discontinued?

PDFpen Scan+ was discontinued in September 2019. You can keep using Scan+ on your iPhone and iPad running iOS 12. Scan+ will likely work on later OS versions, but will not be fully supported. Scan+ will remain accessible through the App Store’s “Purchases” tab. 

Scan+ was discontinued for the following reasons:

Usage: user demand for scanning and OCR functionality on mobile devices has been low. Scanning and OCR tasks remain popular on a computer simply because computers are much more capable of handling larger documents and complex tasks. Development resources—including time and attention—like all resources are limited. While Scan+ has been a reasonably stable product, low demand dictates that we cannot invest the level of attention required to develop Scan+ at the priority and standards we prefer. Unfortunately, at this point, there wasn't enough consumer interest to continue developing the app.

Integration: Apple has made it easier to connect your devices using the latest macOS and iOS seamlessly. Users can instantly create high-quality scans using the iPad or iPhone and have it automatically appear on the Mac. 

OCR: many factors can affect the quality of OCR output or the way the app handles tasks, including the OCR engine, quality of the scan, or file size. PDFpen for Mac provides an advanced OCR engine for accurate and seamless digital text conversion.
Additionally, the latest version of PDFpen (version 11x) supports Continuity Camera, which is much more aligned with Mac and iPhone and iPad users' current workflows. 

Ultimately, we decided to focus on strengthening the PDF editing experience through PDFpen for Mac and PDFpen for iPad & iPhone to provide more comprehensive solutions for a wider variety of tasks. Discover our powerful PDF editing solutions now.

We recognize that our decision to discontinue this app may affect your workflow, and we do not take this interruption lightly. Please see " Which apps can I use for mobile scanning?" for our recommendations.

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